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Box of 3 Extra Medication Cups

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Color – Combo Colors 2 Gray 1 Green


We now offer medication cups for both the FlexiNeb® and the newest model, the FlexiNeb® 3. Please be sure to look at your controller - if it has a 2 or a 3 on it, please order the medication cups for the FlexiNeb® 2 and Flexineb E3, respectively.

We offer 2 different models of the Medication Cup for 2 methods of administration.

GREEN Coded Medication Cup – provides the fastest method of administration and is recommended for use with difficult to nebulise Antibiotics such as Cobactan®, Excenel® and R-Nystatine and Natural Therapies such as Balsamic Air. To get an aerosolised drug into the lower airways where it is required to treat the associated respiratory problems, the size of the particles being produced is very important. These particles must be in the range of 1-5 microns (10^-6) in diameter to be deposited deep into the lower airways (e.g. the lungs).

GREY Coded Medication Cup (provided in the original Flexineb®2 box) – provides a normal method of administration and is recommended for use with Antibiotics like Gentamicin and Amikacin, Bronchodilators like Clenbuterol and Corticosteroids like Dexamethasone.

The color coding of the cups are on the cup units. All Medication Cups have a blue top.

    Box of 3 Extra Medication Cups
    Box of 3 Extra Medication Cups